The Croatian women’s volleyball team was eliminated from the Challenger Cup and will not play in the Nations League next year

Croatia lost to Ukraine 1:3 (15:25, 15:25, 25:18, 19:25). As this year’s Challenger Cup is played as a knockout competition, Croatia will not play in the Nations League next year. The Ukraine celebrated after more than an hour and a half of play, and in the semi-finals, they would face host France, which was defeated by Vietnam (3:0).

Croatia convincingly lost the first two sets, the third went to the Croatians, and Ukraine again won the last set won 3:1. The Ukrainian women were clearly too tricky a task because they proved to be an insurmountable obstacle.

“Ukraine played better than us from start to finish. We have to be more aggressive in the attacking phase because that is the only way to win these kinds of matches.”

Ferhat Akbas, Croatia coach

There is little rest for the Croatian volleyball players because a new competition awaits them – the European Volleyball Championship. The European Championship will be held from August 15 to September 3. Let’s hope that by the time of the European Championship, Fabris will have recovered and be ready to compete. Fabris is essential for our national team because, obviously, without her effect, Croatia cannot count on a better result.

One day we will get a sound generation considering the last result of the Croatian cadet national team. But who guarantees they will be good, and what will happen to them when they come to professional sports?

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