The European Volleyball Championship has ended for Croatia

The Croatian women’s volleyball team lost its last two matches at Eurovolley. First, she lost to Switzerland 1:3 (19:25, 25:16, 22:25, 24:26). Croatia did not excel in this match either, they made mistakes and failed to connect their game. Božana Butigan was the best in this match as well.

The last match was played against the hosts of this group, Italy. There was no chance against the hosts and the Italian players won 3:0 (25:23, 25:19; 15:17). This match had no result significance. Italy had already secured first place, and Croatia had no chance of advancing to the next round of the competition.

What happened to the Croatian women’s national team? There was rejuvenation, and captain Samanta Fabris did not play. The national team needs to be rejuvenated, but that already happened six or seven years ago. Obviously, we still have to wait a few years, considering that the younger types of the national team have good results.

Maybe they should also send offers for foreign players or coaches for education and development as such. Obviously, Croatia needs something like that because there is potential, but there are no results. It takes experience to make something. Maybe the problem is in the players. Because we had the best coach in the world as a coach, and now we have a coach from a country with a strong volleyball tradition. The alliance needs to think and do something. There are many options.

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