KK Split - KK Zadar

The third game of the Croatian basketball final was played

In a great atmosphere in front of the sold-out ”Gripe”, KK Split defeated KK Zadar 87:77 (21:22, 27:20, 13:23, 26:12) in the third game of the Croatian Championship final. It was a game in which Split led until the end of the third quarter (55:44), played excellently thanks to the miraculous series of “three-pointers” by Vita Kučić (21 points, three-pointers 5:6) and on the wings of Dario Drežnjak Zadar entered the last quarter with a 65:61 lead. And then the master Shannon Shorter took matters into his own hands, scored 16 points in the last ten minutes, and led Split to a 2:1 lead in victories.

A big wish from both sides. Vito in the second quarter, Shorter in the final quarter, that means a lot. It decided the game. It’s always the details that decide, some offensive jump, some zicer, free throws… There’s not much to talk about here. The atmosphere was phenomenal, the players enjoy playing in such an atmosphere. I think that with the inspiration of Shorter and Kučić, we came up with points, which we might have missed earlier. It’s a shame that we missed two throws at plus 11, and some made shots, where Zadar caught us. However, we did not sink, we continued playing and welcomed Shorter, who played the last quarter at an enviable level. I believe there will be the same energy on both sides on Friday

Slaven Rimac, KK Split Coach

KK Split deservedly won, they were better, they caused us offensive problems. In the finale, Shorter was inspired, he was the factor that decided the game. We have to gather ourselves and come ready for the fourth game on Friday. Recovery by Friday will play a big role

Danijel Jusup, KK Zadar coach

SOURCE: Croatian Basketball Federation

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